Her smile shines as bright as the sun Her teeth crooked but still a beautiful smile Her heart cracked, yet still beating She's done bad things but she's not a bad person She wants to explore Her writings shaky yet smart and simplistic She's only ever wanted the best for her and others Her hair cascading down her spine Long and filled with her secrets and journeys Her face has no wrinkles because all she ever does is smile Through the pain and the guilt The gray hairs have come in because she's been old ever since a young age Fixing the broken to the best of her ability yet she's still cracked in so many ways Her fingernails and skin ripped and picked at She has such good intentions Her dreams are yet to come true but she has ambition No money for a long time But shes been suffice She wants to live in a nice house, nothing spectacular, but something She wants to have good memories not bad She wants to forget the past She wants to forgive the mean and cruel people She wants to move on She wants to be a better person She wants her writings to not be so dark She wants so much, but you can want forever and not achieve She wants to sing for everyone She wants to be known Not for who she has been but for who she wants to be She wants to be her But who is she?