Auntie Ellen was already crazy The day her brother moved her in. She was not my relation but Everyone addressed her like kin. She was Auntie to everyone And she got rather hollersome If you didn’t call her that way; She’d shout until kingdom come.
Rumor had it she met a fellow When she did factory work. He led her on and dumped her. He was that kind of a ****. Something snapped inside her And she was never the same. About that time, she started in Telling people her choice of name.
She lived down the block, alone And you could hear the music playing. She’d wave when I passed her home; I couldn’t hear what she was saying. One time I started to walk closer So I could hear the words she said But she got very angry all at once And chucked a dirt clod at my head.
We all felt sorry for Auntie Ellen And didn’t think she was a threat. The occasional dirt clod was not Something any of us would sweat. Her brother came around at times To see how Auntie Ellen was faring. I don’t think anyone ever understood Her words to know if she was swearing.
She was sort of our neighborhood’s Crazy person we kept in the attic. She looked strange and sounded worse And her behavior was quite erratic. But she never harmed anyone here And her dirt chucking always missed. So, we just remembered her as Auntie Ellen who was usually ******.