It is easy to think me a fool, the foolish boy whose foolish dreams melted his wings and broke his father’s heart.
What is harder to see: I knew the math of it all, remembered the geometry of wax and feathers so well I could taste it on my tongue scraping like cardamom and sour sweet like tangerines on the roof of my mouth. Height and wind speed, melting points and velocity, lift and ******, bird wings turned to equations I held in my heart.
But oh, to fly is nothing at all like math. It is nothing at all like diagrams of birds and insects and cloud formations. To see the sun, The Sun, oh, to spread your fingers through it’s warmth as the air becomes tangible like the sea, oh, there was no room in this heart for the coldness of figures, they were melted long long before my wings.
So judge, though the sky has never loved you and I will yearn for the sun, The Sun, oh, from the bottom of the sea.