Life sprouts, life blossoms In the Manual of Life You breathe unto the dust And so bodies took shapes And were crafted with Your embrace.
You rescued us, brought restoration Your uttered promises, Always kept. We learned to trust, To value the beginning But there it is, An unending ending.
"It is finished.."
Your blood was the colour of our soul, Hearts undarkened,DNA shared. Our sinful spirit, You cast out And so the story has just begun.
Our parchment, we not know Even the curves or the linear, We've never drawn But the art of your unmoody grace Now an artifact of entire being.
Who we are is greater than who we were And what I am is greater than what I was To look with "Your Past" Is to envision"Our future" And so sin lose its power, It cast no butterfly effect.
Tell us the stories You've wrote Engrave in us Your pure heart and soul Heaven calls as Your voice do so, And so we **answered back.