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May 2015
T our of duty, loud and proud defenders of freedom
H onor, honesty and a humble heart
E xtraordinary courage and valor

F aithful fearless focused force
E nduring engaging enforcing and eradicating
W atchful willful worthy warriors

T rue blue to the red white and blue
H eadlong headstrong head on
E liminating evil men everywhere on earth

P rotectors of life and liberty
R esolute to the greater good
O utwit outlast out fight out of control outlaws
U nafraid against any challenge or challenger
D uty of service dedicated to serve

T hank you to all that have served and are serving
H eroes you are, YES YOU ARE
E ach and every one

M en and women paying the price for us all
A llegiance to The United States Of America
R eliant to their brothers and sisters in arms
I nducted inseparable irrefutable and intrepid
N ever for money or glory always for God & country
E xemplary moral fiber and pride in the Corp
S emper fi

Fortis, paratus et fidelis
Semper vigilo
Written by
   Brianne Rose
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