Singing on street corners, rhyming for dimes and quarters, Searching sensations to find the map, only left him further from his goal.
Showered shaved shot up hope in a golden syringe, filled his tank and headed out towards those blue mesa hills.
He, of course, could not find the route, confusion became his only best friend.
He spins and spins whirling dervish disoriented, there was no gold in dizziness when he spotted it he spun right past it gone in a direction unknown.
The driver drives many routes tonight, spots many islands of neon, he finds silver in her arms, copper in the dice, brass in the door handles, diamonds in the rough, he finds dirt for his grave.
There was no other gold along the way there was only the gold of living and that had already been delivered.
Though this poem is not about him, r headed up to the blue mesa (his creation, the blue mesa) and hasn't been seen since, if anyone sees him, tell him we miss him.