My thoughts cannot move an inch Without bumping into some piece of you. A piece that cuts like a serrated edge of Your stare from the first night you saw me cry.
The night I became vulnerable, And the demon you tried to hide Clawed to the surface To take the whites from my eyes.
But I let you in. Scorned the demon to only grasp your pretense.
Suddenly you were My comfort And my darkness. Contorted to control my every move.
But now…
I would rather be the leftover cologne At the bottom of the bottle you are ready to throw away If that meant you leaving me.
You are the Devil that I kissed. I ******. And I loved. Just so you could steal me.
Strip me of my friends My family, My happiness. But you cannot have my worth.
So inject me with human blood. Take the black smoke from my throat.
But please, If you love me. Leave me with that piece of me.