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May 2015
You know how happy you get when everything in your life is going great?
You make me that happy.
You know how angry you get when everyone is talking as you're talking and no one hears you?
You make me that angry.
You know how nervous you get the night before your life changes forever?
You make me that nervous.
You know how frustrated you get when you try so hard and everything just seems to turn to ****?
You make me that frustrated.
You know that feeling you get when you meet someone and you know that they are special?
You make me get that feeling.
You know that smile you get when you think about what makes you most happy in the world?
You make me smile that smile.
You know those tears you cry when you feel so many ways about one person and you know that they feel the same but you can never be together?
You make me cry those tears.
Sedraya Fletcher
Written by
Sedraya Fletcher
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