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May 2015
I have been walking around this road
All alone for so long
Unaffected by a friend's betrayal
Or the enemy's kindness
Whether it snows or the sun scorches
I have carried on
Into places unknown
Rendering formal greetings or,
Maybe some small talk
"How have you been"
The weather and the work
Mouth replies dryly
To personal questions
"It feels nice to be here"
While my mind secretly makes
Escape plans
You should not be in this vicinity
Too many people with heart beats
Every Eye filled with a hundred questions
Every mouth desperate to trade secrets
Solitude is the best company, I have learnt
The more silent you are, the more you can listen to God talk
Through the birds and the thousand twinkling stars
Solace can be found in the hardest of times
If only one knows how to dissolve
In the nature around himself
So I shall lay down on wet grass
And the thousand lighting suns will be the roof of my house
With the solitude wrapped around me as a blanket
And the fireflies buzzing in the background
I'll have the sweetest sleep
Written by
Aditi  20/F/India
   Dark Sunshine
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