Shattered and broken Hated and messed up The thoughts are rotten And everything's twisted Like my own mind Let us free there entwined roots Let the society not be blind.
Blind as we were always, We tend make promises, When we hold thy little fingers In our own grown ones We tend to break promises When thy grow as majestic as us Because we later realise The society existed and it would be a fuss If we are rebellious.
Rebels rise from the graves But they are shut out From the whole place Into their underground Holes, they used to stay in, back to the caves.
They take rebels and make them dig Dig deeper and deeper trenches Where they at last put them in To quench their burning rage.
The society is a messed up place Full of lies and cheats Rebels try to shape But then thy push them into shade 'Cause then for them Something goes out of shape For them, shaping is a blasphemy , A pure profanity For their fake divinity.
Society is orderly disordered A complete pack of sane insanity Where lunatics rule and sane lives on gruel, Where united division is taught Where the strongest of brains forgot What living is.
Society isn't, it's experiencing hell. (Although, not really a good poem)