dear future boyfriend, last time i talked about how i may cry randomly well i may also want to hurt myself at times too. It's not because of you, but what's inside of me- i can't control it, i feel like it's taken control over me in fact. i'll need to be alone on occasions, i'll just be reading or scrolling through social media sites, doing "nothing" really but in fact, i'm just trying to distract myself from my thoughts. they eat me up and swallow me whole. your love doe the same for me but it's really hard to listen to other people than the voice in your head that's telling you to die and leave everyone alone. So here are some tips I have for you: if I need to be alone, please give me my space but if it looks like i'll be unstable by myself, just hold me and tell me a story i'll be okay afterwards. if I can't sleep at night, just hold my hand. I'll figure the rest out. i just need to feel safe that's all and you're my home; forever will be