- It's simple, Life Isn't fair. You grow Believing It Is Until the world Releases It's Wrath. Equality Doesn't Come Easily
It most definitely won't come without a Fight. Every Fight Comes With a consequence. It may seem hard
However It's worth It Barack Obama Ridiculed So I can become a president Rosa Parks Imprisoned So I can sit wherever I choose
Martin Luther King Assassinated So I can befriend anyone I choose Malcolm X Murdered So I can be accepted Freedom Riders Arrested So I can eat wherever I choose Black Panthers Abused So I can be treated fairly
These fighters died, On the front line, On the battle field So I wouldn't have To. And yet, Where am I Fighting, On the front line Of the battle field So what ever young aspiring African American won't be deprived of their education Of their History Of their right to vote; For standing up For what they believe In It's simple Life Isn't fair However you don't know Until life unleashes It's wrath On You
No matter what you believe In, No matter how hard It may seem, If It requires a fight, Fight It.