You know that itch you get. When a bug bits you? And suddenly there's a rash, Not just in the place you were bitten, But you can actually feel it all over you?
They say we shouldn't scratch them or it could leave a scar.
So we try to control the itch. And we focus to not focus in it. In fact, it's almost impossible.
But then there's you. You are not a bug. And you sure did not bite me. Worst You kissed me.
And left something worst than just an itch or even a rash.
For the thing is. a bug may leave a weal somewhere in my skin and that would be it.
But you are worst than the most savage itch and the poisonous bite.
You are in my skin. inside my flesh, deep in my bones, locked in my heart, haunting my mind.
I could take any kind of itch now any kind but you.
And the truth is, I've scratched too much. and all that is left of you is nothing but an infamous itch.