Whilst perusing the internet I happened upon a shopping site that You could order the strangest kind Of anything you find online
Dogs that talk Pigs that fly Birds that burp Fish that sigh Cows that cackle Giraffes that might drive your car if you would like Orangutans with manicures Floating souls from the underworld Ginsu knives that slice and dice A circus clown that isn't nice Chewing gum that once was chewed By the infamous Mr.Magoo A politician that tells the truth that is brand new never once been used A mirror that's already cracked with only six months bad luck left An iPod filled with Disco tunes A picture of Sean Penn shooting the moon McDonald's fries with the salt licked off A brown jar filled with Whooping cough A frog that comes with its own warts A visit from Mindy minus Mork A kite with only half a tail Escargot that's really snail Shorts once worn by Daisy Duke Scores and scores of 70's Show tunes
Just about anything you would like I found on this one awesome site And desperately feeling the need I ended up ordering one of each
Apparently this is what happens when I sit down at the computer and let my mind go.... It was fun though!