spit fire swallowed swords perspire six bullets shot arrows at the hoarde cherub cut the cord to this cloud nine contorted to coincide with the cliche story we created in our minds it's only dragging us behind the rest of the star dust and eruptions in the sky still I can't deny that you & I seem to be aligned & perfectly alive but blinded by this blissful chemical connection blurring boundaries, any and all direction I had built up to believe in I don't see it anymore.
well don't you believe in ghosts? I've heard that you can't see those but they still make the most of their state watching us throw ours away for rage and payback, for show.
now you didn't hear me say that, it's just a theory not a proven fact, but boy, do those theories hold fast. alas I am ****** & sanguine, a paper-hearted substance & foam lip logic but you may call me nonsense.
don't ask if I know when I'm gunna stop, cause I'm not. nope, I'm not.