My sister was my first ward. When GOD saw fit to send her to me he forgot to include any warnings. She would drink all the juice, and play with all the toys. She was cuter then me, smaller than me, and could not sin. At least that’s what my family thought. I didn’t know it was possible to love and hate that hard until we grew up. As a fledgling guardian I had to do well in school, respect teachers, and keep out of trouble because she followed in my wake. I was her windbreaker that protected her from the storm.
My overprotectiveness of all Double X chromosome carriers is pretty much her fault. I made plans at night on how I would keep us both safe if we ever had the misfortune of being alone in the world. I blazed trails and fought demons so she would never know darkness. And I failed. I made her hate me and the weird thing was I was content with the hate because she was safe. She’ll never see the horrors of the frontlines. Never know my scars.
It’s taken two years to get my best friend back. No matter what happens or the gap that may arise she will always be my friend. Now I’ll always mess with her, give her advice, answer when she calls, remind her of her embarrassing moments, and I will always be the first to defend her. She’s my littlest one and I’ll have her back until the day I leave this world. Love you lil sis sis.
Happy Siblings day littlest one. This one is for you