Please try to hear Can I make it Anymore clear I need a little time To be a human
As I am whispering from behind closed curtains And screaming from very high roof tops How I really feel
As I do not even know who can not really deal As you vanish disappear Into distant space and time proclaiming we are God
But are we all just lost In a new age self empowered Individualistic self obsession Revolution so called evolution Where no one is just aloud To be a simple human As we can only be a great Almighty God
For dare I say That I can not do That this is a little to hard And admit my own boundary limitation And I can not do
Please don't call me God It just feels like a rod I want to be just free even still like a tree Maybe not extraordinary maybe just ordinary
Please don't promise me a spectacular future Pretending to be my fortune teller
Just tell me that you can see me , can cherish and sincerely hear me Hold my hand and just be HERE WITH ME what ever the future does hold
Not sure how this turned out just trying to work out where I stand with the new age obvious lots of good has come out of it in many ways. Although sometimes it feels like it goes a little to far and puts far to much pressure on the individual.