I can lose you in the crowd- I can lose you in a train of thought. I can lose you to the errant sock the wallet left on a table, that last marble down the vent. I can send you down the wrong path send you packing- send for your belongings. Send you away. I can deliver you safely. Deliver you to the doorstep Sign off on your delivery. I can get carried away by you. Carry your grudge. Carry the weight of the relationship. I can blow off to the westerly wind Blow up, Low blow. Blown away. I can mark the days The mark of the beast market day and slip away. But I can't remember how to not love you. Can't remember how to stop hope. How to turn off faith. I can't remember how not to look for you in the crowd- how to not listen for your laugh or your key in the lock. I could lose you- but I could not ever resist you. and that's really the thing about it, isn't it? Only one of these sentences matters. Just one.