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Apr 2015
Shutter shutter
Shaking hands
Static storm strikes
The world disbands

Engulfed in black
Must push forward
Cannot look back

The world is gone
Memories too
Can't understand
Is this world true

But there is help
They protect me
We fight for a goal
I cannot see

Does time stand still
Or move too fast
Too long the struggle
Not all friends last

Into the light
Beckoning hue
Sudden breathe
The world in view

Focus ahead
Devour the air
Back in this world
Thousand mile stare

Thankful but sick
Pleading to stay
When will it stop
Will I be okay

Finally home
Exhausted fried
If this battle was lost
I could have died
This poem is based off my first and last experience with Spice.
Written by
Zachary  Brooklyn
   Cecil Miller
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