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Apr 2015

Simple reminders of conscious belief
Filter my mind with the moon’s silver glow
Satisfied truths sent to spell my relief
All that my beating heart now needs to know

Sensual visions to capture the feel
Bringing the contours of wind sculpted plains
Temptations cry out for all that is real
Filling the void that I now can explain

Cloudless these night skies of star sprinkled mist
Shimmering soft on the eclipse of love
Delicious the thoughts of your warm tender kiss
Found in these endless illusions above

Memories harbor the times that we’ve lived
Photograph remnants of places once shared
Telling the story of all it can give
Building the dreams now worth capturing there

Still we are standing alone on this eve
Counting the stars in the heavens so bright
Dreams can come true if we only believe
Whispering prayers on this warm summer night

Hear my desires a float on the breeze
Finding their way to the one I adore
Listen, my love, for I hope but to please
Biding the time till you’re with me once more

Down on my knees with my fingers entwined
Solemn requests I now send up above
Pleading with heaven to be ever kind
Allowing this man to receive your sweet love

All that I ask is all that I do need
Merely the chance I may prove ever true
You are my life and in that I believe
*Forever my love will be only you
Written by
Jack  San Antonio Texas
(San Antonio Texas)   
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