she kept it all from us she kept it all well hide but once we all found out what she had and what it did it popped all of our tops blew off all our lids no one could have even guessed she has a thingamajig
we called the t.v. stations we called up the cops when we heard what she had and how much that it cost half the town said no way the other half said it's a must when we all sat down and saw what it was and what it does
it brought us all together it gave us all a lift lovers, friends and neighbors now never would they miss every other saturday with picnic basket and the kids all head down to central park and watch her with her thingamajig
with no need to start it up it's always on the go though it may seem odd at times there's always an even flow no one saw this coming no one could have known nor would they believe it if they hadn't seen it on there own
it keeps breaking all the records like it's nobody's biz bringing together the left and right where all they now do is hug and kiss never in a million years would i ever thought it'd come to this and all because we all found out she has a thingamajig