Swirling a frosty straw Stuck up like a victory flag in winter ground With my lips wrapped around it I stare into this empty canvas of a vanilla malt And project my cartoonish headaches into it to devour it Oh those ****** Doo monsters Shadows that lurk to cut my Tom & Jerry humor Only to formulate semblances of evil A Mojo JoJo caricature I then project into my milkshake His smirk haunts the smile of Tweety Bird In my Hanna-Barbara mindfield Colorful spirals of animated joys Let me know slurp Elmer Fudd shotgun That was mugging my creativity And robbed me of my motive Let me taste the refreshing winds That flow through the deserts of Road Runner Taking laps around my heart With its true intentions in a love letter I will never get Soon slurped and eaten to take away the thoughts And now I hope I can drink another To rip out the rest of the pain that in my heart