In my travels, I happened to find this little box. It has no key, and has no locks. So, sit back, sip a cup of coffee, or favorite drink, relax for a little while, and hopefully, enjoy the ride:
On the table, the box it sits- All six sides of equal fit- What is the mystery inside-? What are the secrets that it hides? This little box-- That has no key--and has no locks.
The Oracles of Delphi-the hermits on the peak- Claimed to see the future-but in truth they did not seek- The power of this little box- That has no key ----- and has no locks.
It doesn't eat! It doesn't breath!! But oft it can, and will, relieve Your fears of the fiercest days ahead-- All within this little box- That has no key---------and has no locks.
When clouds gather, dark and drea'r-- Eyes swell, and start to tear-- It's not a curse! nor a pox! Just pick up the little box-- That has no key---------------and has no locks.
So, with great ferocity-- Quench your thirst of curiosity! Discover the secrets held within!! Feel the power again, and again!!! Learn the mystery of the box-- That has no key--------------------and has no locks
(YOU MAY NOW OPEN THE BOX) Put together with guise and guile-- With hopes that it will make you smile- So, now you know the mystery-- And the secret of the box- There never was a need -- for keys and locks!!!
Copyright r.riddle-August 17, 2010
(A repost of my first writing. Written to go with a "gag-gift" for my boss' birthday. The last stanza should be covered with a tab to be removed after the box is opened)