She was the prom queen Beautiful, stunning Popular Her body matured more then most as a teen Every guy wanted her Girls jealous of her She became a smoker She was ill prepared Inhaling sickness Exhaling death She didn't know was there She gave her life then an there It seared her throat But she didn't care Her inhales were long She exhales with ease Wanted to impress She ache for popularity like a fein After a couple of years the effects creeped in like a disease She seemed to age twenty years Wrinkles appeared He hair thinned So did her body Fingers stained yellow Her teeth rotted brown Her breath just as foul The prom queen couldn't be found Her limbs begin to die Amputations a daily routineΒ Β Her voice raspy Followed by a bone chilling cough Deep ridges on her lips hides a smile Now the prom queen is just a picture That she doesn't look at Hanging on the wall