Blood streaming down my face I feel them it touches my toungue there's a mettalic taste I wipe it off my cheek the red is on my hands I look around no one's here I feel the blood flowing now there's a salty taste I know what it is from it's from my liquid pain fury the turrents flowing out with the blood they're mixed my tears and blood I reach my hands up but I don't hide I just wipe them off but not completely never completely and I feel the mixture I bring my hands in front of me and mix the blood and tears between my fingers with ******* I make war stripes on my cheeks I look ahead at my battle ground I stalk forward an evil smile playing on my lips I throw my head back open my mouth and let out a growl that ended with a barking laugh I look ahead I keep going out into the world to show my scars seen and unseen I hold my head up open the door and walk out into the darkness that unforgiving untouchable unseeing yet ever seeing darkness