No One Forgets their First A year of awakening, A company unforgettable, a journey to the forbidden... hours of speaking without words, contemplation...confession...
The unending conversations, Wrapped in warmth untold... Respect A world of two, a space untouched.
The eye you gave me, I knew you were only for me A heaven built for me... Wine...chocoalate..honey..milk...
Hours of just you and me, Wanted to sing to you Baby Face..Lionel Richie...Nameless Wanted to make it endless In a world of preying hawks I was never insecure
No one forgets their first, No one forgets their first- endorsed by angels above, You don't try too hard with the first But you try less you lose
Gifts you gave me I still keep, But a broken trust is what you keep, I dream of you sometimes, But its just a sweet little past. I miss youΒ Β VIRGINIA