Happiness is like a dream something I can recall, but it isn't tangible and I can't seem to reach it, there's a road block in my way Too tall to climb over, too far in the ground to crawl under stretches for miles and made of thoughts and self-hating theories
That wall has ruined a lot for me, it never seems to understand I don't like it Can't really take a hint I've beat the **** out of it, and it hasn't budged It's pretty exhausting. Don't call it fight when you know it's a war, with nothing but your t-shirt on You can fight a wall but you're not going to get anywhere
It's an imaginary wall Really, just an illusion a hypothetical object stopping me but it seems so real and it really hurts hitting it again and again and again and again
I was hoping this year was going to be better for me, but really, I'm only worse, and it's only February.