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Feb 2015
The darkness mocks me
As I lay unable to see

He laughs as I struggle to fall asleep
The leap is too far it makes me weep

A steep climb I can only make alone
to drift far away in the comfort of home

Some suggest the aid of a soporific drink
but I fear this syrup will make me sink

So I waive this offer and continue to trial
I come to the stand as he cracks a wry smile

Please I beg just let me fall into a trance
I know your stance but I just want a fair chance

You cannot cheat sleep even if you pay in advance,
it's simpler than you think , especially at first glance

I'm trying I'm trying the girl stated her plea
You are mistaken child I'm no judge but a referee

O please O please I just want to sleep,
I won't be gone long just give me the key

This game that we play is a habitual ritual,
you mustn't need aid it can't be artificial

I suggest you focus until the end is official,
what you achieve is mutually beneficial

**You are the key child look inside real deep,
tune out the noise and you'll find what you seek
Any thoughts? comments?
Grant Horst
Written by
Grant Horst  Wisconsin
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