If the realm of Thought is of such infinite interest to us as Human Beings, we owe it to ourselves to utilize willing and able psychedelic explorers to bring back aspects of the other; aspects so very occluded that the rest of us are too oblivious to see and too sober to remember. ..too high to keep believing what they keep telling us to think..
That's gotta be why they're so controlled.. Fresh perspectives upset stale systems. Not that these ideas are new.. but that's part of the problem. Some force is holding us back. I think it's us, guys. Humanity is Humanity's worst enemy. The people who set that up must be stopped and if they can't, the systems that are in place must be overturned lest we enslave our potential and deny ourselves the Eden over which we so toil.
That's what Jesus was saying until they made an example out of him.
However you may feel about what I've said, that last statement is probably less inaccurate than many made by people who carry the banner of Christianity. For the record.