All at once I realize I'm not okay and I get so upset I can't even pray all of my problems just seem so cliche my lip quivers and I begin to give way
the dam breaks and I suddenly know that I'll no longer be able to sit and lay low I bottle so much up and I can't let go of this feeling that will forever grow that I am nothing, but I sure am I pro of slapping on a smile and running a show that depression is just something I'll outgrow but that's not the truth and you and I both know that my happiness is dim and nothing but a glow
Why won't anything work out my faith is dry and in a drought because I am in so much doubt that God doesn't even have a route or a way for me to get out and so I sit in my room and pout
I feel hopeless I need this part of my life to be done because it's awful and I'm having no fun It's cold and dark and I'm really wondering where is the Sun? I want to give up and say fine depression you've won but I can't... so for now I'll just sit here and be done