I found you last night Slipping in and out of my dreams Silently sliding through hallways and nudging creaking doors Whispering as you tiptoed through my mind I found you As you pulled at one string a little too hard And I was suddenly overcome with too many "one more kiss" memories, too many bucket-list items never completed, too many times when we tried so hard to fit ourselves together but everything was just too messy. I found you this morning Smoking a cigarette in the back of my mind Making ghosts with the smoke that you used to teach me to spin into swirls Laughing roughly in the dark way you would when things went to **** I found you As you coughed a little because you forgot to switch out puffs of your inhaler with your cigarette And I was suddenly overcome with an emptiness that couldn't be filled with Netflix binges or Extra-Peanut-Butter Reese's cups or even the ****** poetry that I scribble down angrily with an aching hand and a desperate, gripping need to transfer so much pain through a pen and onto a page and out of me. Because I miss the way the back of your neck smelled like smoke and nostalgia and the way your mouth tasted like Dr. Pepper and whiskey. I found you this evening But I told you I didn't want visitors anymore.