It was the crystal clear I refused to see like... a drop of truth serum laying await at the bottom of an eye
similar to sticky fingers eyelashes attempted to prevent its unavoidable voyage I tried to pretend it wasn’t there while at the same time praying a breeze would come to dry it up before its source could witness the only surface sign of the pain he caused soul deep
the more I tried the more it struggled to loosen the grip that held it back
the wind never blew a breeze and a solitary tear eased to the tip of weakened lashes as salt does to an open wound it stung when it met with skin however not near as much as the reason it was there
l i n g e r i n g it traveled d o w n
a cheek once caressed by an assumed lover’s hand
like... a tourist sightseeing a resting ground littered with relationship wreckage
at the edge of my chin it d a n g l e d as if reminiscing for a moment ...then d r i p p e d
to the floor to begin the puddle for those that without doubt would follow