there she is all 'innocent' -PLEASE the funny thing is that she yet still thinks that I don't know that she was and still is at fault that she is the reason for all the confusion and drama the sad thing is that I actually thought that she was different well I was kind of right- never met anyone that deceiving I actually thought that she had my back that I can count on her that I can trust her but apparently I was oh so very wrong that lying little.......................... but life is too precious to waste on fools like that its not funny and its not acceptable but yet I still forgive and forget now I am used to having another one just coming at me one by one testing my patience but they don't get to me as much as they used to there will always be another one waiting patiently for me BUT THIS TIME I WILL BE READY!
I have been facing things like this for years now and the cup couldn't hold anymore. like seriously secondary school I expected people to be a little more mature.................. I wish not to announce the person's name publicly but I am sure that most of you know what I mean and there is a line and this person just ran past it