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Jan 2015
What Have I Learned Today

when a 6 ¾ year old youngster
asked Neil DeGrasse Tyson
what is the meaning of life
his response was
the meaning of life to him
was learning something
something new
each and every day
I never thought of it that way
and because
the meaning of life is so personal
to each and every individual being
his answer makes sense to me
so, what have I learned today?
I have learned
you can never know
or understand enough
there is and will always be more
I have learned today
that my personal quest
is just that
to learn something new today
share something new today
ask someone you care about
what they have learned today
not only to get them to think
but because they may have learned
something new already today
and by sharing that with you
you might learn something new too
life can be so difficult at times
and too often shorter than we want
we forget the things that make us happy
and for me
learning something new
something maybe I never even
thought about before
makes me happy
so have a happy day
learn something new

Gomer LePoet...
thought obviously generated by video clip of Mr Tyson talking to a group.
David Nelson
Written by
David Nelson  Missouri
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