The distance between real life and living your fantasies is the distance between piano lessons and playing by ear; expression cannot be taught, it must be lived, bled, left for dead and brought back alive by the one who knows
The problem with our pain is the why behind the experience; is there a redemptive quality like the pursuit of spiritual growth and humanity or was it merely fingernails on your back from someone you’d rather see naked than to actually get to know them
As soon as you stop being impressed by anyone you meet you can clear the way to be who you really are; stop thinking of what they have done because that time has already passed; the further from imitation the closer to originality even if it take ten years for you to gather your thoughts
What you have to understand is nobody is going to tell you a secret that will change your circumstances; you have to know that inspiration is lying next to the man on the next corner that you pass because that is the meaning of life right there but did you notice him or were you instead reading something that somebody else said
If you want to be a mystic then you have to stop waiting for proof and instead look for truth in things that are not apparent to you such as why your heart beats without your intervention or why consciousness is far beyond physical capabilities; but as soon as you declare yourself to be a mystic then it’s already lost because it’s not something you can elect to be
The problem with that way of thinking is in the eyes of your child; the one who is now living the moment of true belief in the wonder of the things that you found to be fleeting in their love for you; you at least owe it to them to more than feed them, if you only speak of the future you will make them like you, a person who wishes he were a child again