As we begin at the starting line we know who's going to win There's the white rabbit Obnoxious,Cocky,A ***** Fueled by red bulls an monsters He can barley be contained Fur coat at attention Like there's electricity in the air But we're drawn to things with a flair In our eyes his white coat nothing could compare It's special Then there's the turtle Passive,majestic,shy,common The underdog We only like them when there's a chance they might win It takes each step gracefully Carefully, trying not to impress It's been counted out shunned for its slowness As the race begins the rabbit dashes away Down the trail reaching its peak on the straight away Not looking back His speed unforgiven Giving it the illusion of hovering off the ground Not a sound heard as it flies by The turtle still at the starting line It's progress unhealthily It to makes no sound It's footsteps stealthy But it stills marches on The rabbit far ahead Looses his sights that this is a race He knows the turtle pace He begins to dash around trees Running in circles His momentum makes the ground begins to give making a donut effect So detracted he begins to chase leafs Caught in the wind So burned out he crashes Falls into a trance like slumber As the turtle still moseying along Moving at a records pace two steps per minute Begins to catch up Soon enough it passes the rabbit Flabbergasted hes asleep Quietly it sneaks away down the trail Pace still two steps per minuet As the race progresses the turtle has the finish line in sight Thinking this is its moment To shock the world But it ain't over yet The sleeping rabbit awakes Yawning an switches its nose Starts running again He sees the turtle in his sights Confused how this happened There's no way he's going to lose But fate was not on his side As he widens it stride Trying to catch up the turtle just near the finish line One step and it's all over And just as the rabbit catches up It's too late