if i pour myself into someone else's glass what happens when they leave me there with my own condensation dropping into small puddles. everything has been poured out of me and i'm in the middle of the desert looking for a raindrop in the sand dunes. i forgot what it's like not to just depend on myself for everything i've ever needed and i feel so ******* abandoned i'll blame everything on you and wonder why you left me out in the ocean when you know i'm afraid of the ******* waves. i just want your riptide in my perimeter so you can pull me so close i'll go under and drown because that's so much better than being alone in this ******* town. i'll miss you so much i'll forget how to breathe and how to sleep and everyone keeps asking what the **** is wrong with me. i keep searching for bits and pieces of you in random places but my favorite place to search is the bottom of the shot glass and i keep looking in the same ******* place as if i'll find you there. i never ******* find you there and by the end of the night glass is on the floor and there's throw up in my hair. -