We live in a society full of insecurity Red lips Dark eyes Fake tan. Forced smiles Closed eyes Clenched fists, Show no weakness Show no mercy Small hands on pale stomachs Eyes constantly searching for ways to rid that extra pound That extra curve **** in Deep breath Back straight Every calorie counts. Is this really the world that we live in? Is this the life that we wish to lead? Our lives are no longer determined by the way that we think They are not dedicated to achieving our dreams To pursuing our goals No The way that we live is based upon the way that we look And thus, the way that we are treated We are always going to compare ourselves to another That is a given If we don't look good then we aren't happy Right? But for others to determine the fates of ourselves depending strictly upon a template of "perfection"? Perfection is a disease The very aspect of it plagues your mind Inhabits your soul And brings upon an individual an idea of something to achieve That is nearly impossible to achieve It is a roller coaster that only goes down A concoction that only leads to inevitable heartache and pain A poison that has no known cure And it hurts Perfection hurts.