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Dec 2014
Breath* whisper,
*"He is in every single one of me."

Heart murmurs,
"He is tucked cozily in me ,as long as I am beating."
Hope utters,
"Never lose me, this man,one day you'll get to see."
Smile comforts,
"So put me on young lady, get ready for the.  

Heartbeat reveals,
"He brings a new meaning to each thump of mine."
Mind affirms,
"I'm telling you,you can't take him off me."
Eyes mime,
"When you close me, he'll send chills down your

Love expresses,
"Trust him, I'm true, he would go down on his.    

Test conveys,
"I'm sent down from above, but both of you will

Miss admits,
"You feel me so much, you pray so hard for him to be

Tears confess,
"I trickle down your cheeks like drops of crystal clear

Faith assures, *"Have me, these tough days will
   soon be over."
#you #love #miss #test #faith #voices #speakto me
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