I thought evil was only something you saw on the news. Only something you read in the Bible, sitting in the pews in church and reading about the hoardes of Jews who hurt because God had something better waiting for them after the pain. After the strain put on the heart of my mum, there'd better be some handsome sum sitting at the end of the road and 3 handsome sons walking along the road too. Walking towards the Holy Land, hand-in-hand and standing up to the man who held his hand to our faces and slapped them, letting his family slip through his filthy fingers like sand.
But sand is better off on the beach than it is in somebody's palm, and if this infectious unhappiness is just travel sickness en route to a sunny beach, lined with palms, where we can stop reading Exodus and start singing Psalms, then I think, and I hope, I can put up with a little more time in this car. Are we nearly there yet?