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 Feb 2014 Phoebe
Red Fox
Moon Man
 Feb 2014 Phoebe
Red Fox
Ignore me for an hour, I'll ignore you for two
Hurt me once, and I'll hurt you a few
Make me cry, go ahead, try and make me cry
Told myself I never would, that I would rather die
Loving you is like a beautiful death
My heart aches in pain, but you are like my last breath
I need you, I want you, why can't you say the same
I know you are strong, but you're driving me insane
Unlike you, this love thing is new to me, I never thought it was real
You showed me it was, but I didn't know this pain was part of the deal
You can't sleep when I'm there, I can't sleep without you
You need me to encourage daily but understanding me, you can't seem to do
Tell me, is this love real or like your dozen "loves" before?
I need to feel your need, your desire for me
Am I your temporary addiction, a puzzle piece in your disease?
If you love me, love me hard, patience I do not have
Tell me moon man, what exactly is your plan?
 Feb 2014 Phoebe
Jonny Angel
Your kiss is euphoric.
When our lips meet,
a warm glow
floods over me.

I am intoxicated with
the movement of your mouth
& the motion of your tongue,
it dances with mine,
so Heavenly,
so divine.

My heart rate reaches
astronomical levels,
it is hard
for me
to catch my breath.

My skin melts in your embrace,
you have the sweetest look
on your face
when we hug like this,
one of desire & submission.

I can feel your fire
smolder &
it sweeps me off my feet.
Your fragrance is of lilac,
so alluring are
your dreamy-eyes.
I cry with joy when
we touch,
when we kiss.

Your touch is angelic,
full of electricity,
it shoots jolts of primal need
throughout my entire body.

One is never the same
after such an episode,
you are forever smitten,
bitten by sacredness.
The nicest thing on this
Earthly realm is
to be jolted
by an angel.

And you are sweet Darling,
certainly one
of those
beautiful beings.

I must confess,
I miss you terribly,
I wish you were mine.
 Feb 2014 Phoebe
Jonny Angel
I lie alone,
on top of the sheets,
burning up.

The fan spins
slowing above me,
dousing me
with a cool

Here in
my controlled
I read you & still
feel out of control,
still burning up.
 Feb 2014 Phoebe
Jonny Angel
I have to keep her clean,
make sure all her parts
glide together smoothly.

She feels so nice
in my arms,
I rest her little ****
my strong shoulder,
load her up,
squeeze her trigger
with a delicate-finger.

I love the way
she gently
bumps into me,
spitting quick hot-shots,
it's totally *******,
makes me feel

O, this love affair
between her & me!

She's the cleanest,
the prettiest weapon
in the entire armory.
We have so much fun,
my gun and me,
can't you see?

We're killer together,
her & I,
I could cry,
I think I'm in love
with her metal anatomy.
 Feb 2014 Phoebe
Theia Gwen
The only way in which this love story is unrequited
Is that he loves her, but she hates herself
“We accept the love we think we deserve.”  ― Stephen Chbosky
I was trying to write a poem, but it ****** but I had these two lines stuck in my head so I decided to make them a poem of their own.
 Feb 2014 Phoebe
 Feb 2014 Phoebe
I lay in my bed and clench my fist
Wondering why I exist
So weak but I still lift the world
My head twirls
I wanna hurl
But not in front of my girl
I wonder if she knows how weak I am
How insecure I am
How much I'm scared of losing her

Always said I hate my father
But I think that's because we're our own worst enemy

I don't know if I'll ever have heaven seen
I claim these bottles are helping me
But it's just a distraction

I sit alone as I clench my fist
Wondering why I exist
So weak but I still lift the world
I'm a clam with a pearl inside
But I refuse to show what's inside
I don't want you to know what really goes on my mind
I don't want you to know that I cry
I don't want you to know I don't lie
Making you believe my compliments I gave to you we're lies
Just so I could get inside
But I secretly hope you realize
They weren't

I fall down as I clench my fist
Wanting to fight
But I finally broke down and this image is at an end
I knew I could never win
These gloves are torn
And my poor soul can't afford more
I'm alone as I clench my fist
So weak and can no longer lift the weight

I get in my knees and pray
I don't know how to or who to but I pray

I find a high branch in the darkest part of the forest
And have the noose take my breath away
Still alone but can no longer clench my fist
Let's see if an afterlife exist
Maybe this life was worthless
And dealing with the pain was worthless
Let's see where my soul exist
My face turns purple like our favorite color
Little things like that, I pray I remember
As I go
Where do I go
I don't know
I wish I could write when I see the light
This is *goodbye
 Jan 2014 Phoebe
Haley Rome
“Hey Mark. It’s Hope. Um, hey. So I know that I’ve left you quite a lot of voicemails in the past few days. I just couldn’t stop worrying about where you were and…and you know how I get. So, finally, I called Rita. And she told me where you were. And now I get it! I understand why you aren’t calling me back. It’s not because you don’t like me anymore or that you’ve grown bored of me, no! It’s not that at all. It’s because…well, it’s because you’re dead. And I know that you’ll never get this and I’m talking into an empty void right now. I can almost hear you laughing at me, saying that I’m just a tree falling in a forest with no one around to hear. But that’s comforting, in a weird way. Especially because of the previous voicemails I left, before I knew where you were. I mean, Jesus, those were so embarrassing just thinking about them makes me want to die! But I’m not dead. You are. Um. Well, I just called because I wanted you to know that you…you were different. You are different. Just because you’ve died doesn’t mean you’re suddenly not   sweet or intelligent or courageous or loving. Now that you’re gone my world is a blur full of colors and light but lacking all definition. I went to your work yesterday. All of your coworkers were swarming around me and I just stared and couldn’t recognize anyone. Not even Rita. I had to ask her name, I was so humiliated. And she…she did something that you used to do to comfort me. I doubt she even knew she was doing it. She must’ve picked it up from you or something. Um. She started to massage my hands, you know, like you would do when I would get too scared to breathe. And I closed my eyes. I swear, I swear that in that moment it was you. I know it was you. You were there calming me down, helping me breathe. And I finally could. For the first time in years, I could. But then she asked how I was feeling and I had to open my eyes. I said I didn’t know. I don’t know. I do know that I miss you. I think it’s funny that when I talk about you to others, and I talk about missing you, I can say it in the present tense but when I say that I love you, it sounds wrong. Like they expect me to say that I loved you, as if my devotion stopped the second your heart did. I still love you. I did and I do and I will. I just don’t know if I can ever-" *Message deleted. Press 1 to record again.
 Jan 2014 Phoebe
Temitope Popoola
At some point he must have liked me enough to call everyday,
Thoughts of me clouded his sanity and I liked it
He could barely go 6 hours without hearing my laughter
*He made me laugh even harder
He was my rainbow, I was his sunshine
Does he now live shrouded in darkness?
Or has technology provided him illumination?
I had the best valentine with him,
He made me feel special in everyway then,
Am I still that wonderful person he used to talk to?
Or these words we said to each other were vain and empty?
How could he go on and ignore me like we never happened?
Is it normal to feel this broken with constant thoughts of him?
I guess I was just some girl who thrilled him at some point.
 Jan 2014 Phoebe
Langston Hughes
I would liken you
To a night without stars
Were it not for your eyes.
I would liken you
To a sleep without dreams
Were it not for your songs.
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