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1.1k · Aug 2016
Beauty in a Summer Breeze
Phillip Knox Aug 2016
Swallowed in dreams of bliss

and sunset berry kisses

in the still of azure skies

I gaze into your eyes.

Strands of water blue satin

touch your delicate curves

inflamed with soul passion

in nights of quiet storms.

Your lips full, sweet of honey

like a dream lover's dream

I swim in your open sea

motions elicit your extremes.

Soft whispers pant to find your ear

beautiful, drifting, lingering near-

driven blind, your brown skin, size

titillates the recesses of my mind.

Trapped within a muse

conversing-secrets stolen

so many thoughts of you

I can touch each shade of emotion.

Beauty in your eyes

defies, eludes my mind

visions of a summer breeze

made my heart rise.

I would steal polyanthus

and lay beds of jasmine

my strong attraction, feel me

as I move you to endless reactions.

Let me allure you

and find your every need

I want to liberate your heart

and give you the best of me.

I search the depths of you

as if you were an ocean

floating through your violent tides

ever the one who makes you cry.

Fascinated by your style

come with me for a while

in the footsteps of pandora

though mythological, love never lies.

Chiaroscuro, form, light

like poetic lines

your silhouette in the haze

from my lips fall this pantomime.

Her fingertips drip elegance

in the moonlight mist

the jewels of your hips

like spinning quasars aglint.

She is delicate as a lily  

flawless like a pearl

in sea blue threads of a tapestry

which colors my world.
585 · Apr 2017
Queen of Darker Shades
Phillip Knox Apr 2017
Girl, you're beautiful
can I can I call you ebony?
you're a black queen
I got to see.

I'm so into you, digging
your regal body
you have me tripin
on your curves simply.

I want to explore your mind
in ways no other can,
take your hand, I want to find
what pleases you and-

set sun flares in your eyes,
and pearls at your feet
your soul rise to sweet lines
with every heart beat.

Let be your black knight,
I'm down for you,
honest, true-queen of nights
everything you do-

I find intriguing, dreaming of your face
strange these times, your soul trace;
every part of me, see my passion
in moonlights of fluent attraction.

Like Cleopatra, seductive, you capture
my soul, succumb to your embrace;
like Nefertiti your beauty mesmerize
immortal, on hieroglyphic portals.

Shadows fall across your tresses
my Eve of Eden, subsequent
your movements leave me breathless
on soft summer evenings.

Now stand motionless, dream lover
take flight-love like no other
olive skin tone of a thousand seas,
and everything in between.

I can't stop thinking of you
rains of water drop blue
on your sable hue
makes me want more of you.

Last week when we met,
the style of your hair
made me stare, I swear
I could not get enough of you.

Everything about you is so sweet
your thighs, naval lay bare
I went inside your springs
until you trembled everywhere.

I held you high in ecstasy
there was storms of intensity
volcanic eruptions, hurricanes
spread through your extremities.

I love all the things you do,
my burning soul like an ember
floats towards you
queen of dark shades.
Dedicated to all women of color
525 · Jul 2020
Nights of Seduction
Phillip Knox Jul 2020
I first scoped your ***

the glare of a gaze

moving up your chest

so clear, my thoughts could touch your *******.

My heart pulsated

as with rhythmic muse

like a sonata created

within shades of midnight blue.

The appeal of your pose

enticing, like fire red diamonds

you burn my soul

giving me new strange desires.

Your lust of naked pipe dreams

henna in your hair

touched by falling sunbeams

how it flared.

I stared, resistless

like a moth burned by light

your hips paralyzed me

at first sight.

I'm caught in a haze

your beauty with complexity

got me caressing you, finessing you

out of your satin white *******.

Your naval exposed in this place

and from the heat you perspire

sultry, exotic of taste

as I take you ever so higher.

**** in your own right

from head to toe

beautiful, everything fine

you should know-

you move me like strong ****

floating, intoxicated, choking

on the pearl of your seas

the dynamics, motion, dreams.

Your lips are of honey

tantalizing my mind

and your walk is all to me something

when you come by.

Silver moons at your feet

as I penetrate your garden

potent, you reek

the scent of aromatic blossoms.

Digging deep between your thighs

I can make lava flow

seismic reactions

till your soul rise.

I can bring you to ******

in this *** love, wet

****** positions

till ******* your brain affects.

Let me explore your mind

the distance to the size

till fluid flows down your legs

like the Niagara Falls.

I'll make you weak,

your body hot

like saffron... take flight

as I lick your thighs tonight.

Your ******* turgid

like grapes from the vine

I can be your dream lover

and each emotion define.

In the ****

me and you

foreplay on your *******

as ****** movements come in rhythms.

Do you feel me

I can see us clearly

me bouncing your pretty ***

in the moonlight.

Every deep stroke

poetry I wrote

pushing with intensity

till you moan.

This passion is strong

in and out till dawn

all around till you ***

call my name thereof.

You're fine, no lie

your form inviting

I can't stop writing

these seductive lines.

Your fingers outline my chest

the strength, virility

your submission demands

with each caress.

She is of regal beauty

Nefertiti of sunlight shades

and nights of seduction

only perfects her way.
421 · Apr 2015
I Saw a Mocking Bird
Phillip Knox Apr 2015
I saw a mocking bird upon a tree,
alone, chirping a tune
the skill of imitation bore he
as it sang amidst the gloom.
Children played in the fields
adults conversed freely
but of the bird in the broken still
faces thought him silly.
O beautiful composer of the skies
your deep music is superb
but can never be fully realized
the song of a mocking bird.
362 · Aug 2016
The White Lotus
Phillip Knox Aug 2016
You say I do not love you
when heaven knows I've lied
every moment wanting you
there is nothing more to hide.

As shades of twilight fall
your love, subtle has entranced me
I hear your voice call
drifting in a soliloquy.

My heart is held captive, pleading
weaving sweet tapestry
by emerald foam seas
your footprints shatters me.

Beauty of ivory shades
spare love of this change
for streams of sliver lines
search for sable eyes.

I convey my thoughts  
on sheets of gold paper
in ballads, ever mystic stanzas
the heart of a stranger.

You are a white lotus
delicate, adrift cool streams
among the raining moonlight
your hair falls gently.

Don't hide this night                                                            ­                             red rose skies
blend crafts of symphony
across sun drip nights.

I cannot find peace
strokes come in waves of dreams
Asian, still this distant queen
I truly need.

I adore your worth
ever anticipating love
as the pearl in the sea
I look to find the two of us.

— The End —