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i used to cradle her bleach-cracked hands in mine
and decode the stardust resting within her fingerprints
     up until the day that i lost touch with the art of reading braille
     and she stopped slinging tall-tales for me to fetch
and rest the plot-twist at her feet

often in the post-script
i'd find my train of thought highjacked by the sunlight illuminating the rainbow of earth-tones ablaze
in her frizz-ridden curls
as if she'd been washing her hair with the damaged case of beer
she'd gotten for half-price at liqour depot
     she never did quit drinking
          but neither did i

at least we tried

though sometimes
in the middle of the night when nothing was alright
and we'd barely survived another fight
her face would catch my glance
cast aglow by a flood of lava-lamp light
     the sea of freckles resting at the crest of her cheeks
     rose lips perma-pursed in half tilt
     her resting heart-rate so high that i could almost see it
          pirouetting within her chest

it was then that i'd love her best
     amidst the ruins of who we were
     just moments before
a love poem, for the girl i can sometimes spot in my reflection.
 Mar 2014 Pearl Feldman
In the earliest hours of tomorrow
I came to steal the hour before dawn
To rejoice in the holy sanctity of silence
In reality all is part of all

The wind is howling
Rain lashing down
Upon pain of glass
So fragile in existence
And yet protecting
Much like a skin
Protects a master

Silken threads of remembrance
They held you this time
Like never before
They have lost
The will to journey forward
Now they can not look upon you in body
I hope your spirit flies
Between the absences they feel

Poets speak
Painters paint
The greatest of artists
Stroke their brushes across the sky
In union with the sun
And lower themselves
Feet in soil
Hearts wide open
Pain glittering like a golden thread
Hold memories within this moment
For the memories are pure

Hold onto the place
In the silence
We see more
And yet
Do we ever really get to understand

Watching boats go by
Sailing on
Catching butterflies
Only to let them go
beckoning for freedom
We allow them an escape
In spirit we are the same
And in spirit you will fly
like never before

Perfect soul
flying free
Stormy night
In silence and in rain
I sit thinking
In thinking I sit in silence
 Mar 2014 Pearl Feldman
Joe Cole
Let's search once more for the crystal stream
where poets sat and wrote
and young lovers dreamed of the beautiful years to come

But no more now is the crystal stream where the poets
wrote and the lovers dreamed
of the beautiful years to come

The crystal stream now a fetid sewer of filthy
industrial waste
The fields and hedgerows long since gone
to be replaced by shattered dreams
What a legacy for our unborn sons

No more do we gather and sing the songs
of the beauty that was once this land
no more do we sit and dream
of those beautiful years to come
 Mar 2014 Pearl Feldman
 Mar 2014 Pearl Feldman
Young hearts, open minds
Any mountain, we'd climb

Smooth words, true love
Maybe we were sent from above

Deep thoughts, guarded beliefs
We give no care that our life is brief
 Mar 2014 Pearl Feldman
The feeling of sickness at the
Back of your throat
The back of your mind
The pit if your stomach.

The butterflies -
Not so pretty now
Bats -
Almost vampiric ones
That nibble at the
Lining of your abdomen
And cause you to lurch
Yourself forward.

Your legs shake uncontrollably
Your hands as cold as ice
Pins and needles
Painful cramps

As if your whole body
Threatens to collapse
Itself on top of you
And your brain is just
Ready to shut down

Any minute

The feeling of when you will burst
Become that butterfly,
Emerging from the cocoon
Except you're not at all

...In any way...

You're just a ghost
- troubled
Trapped in a girl's body
Trying to find a way
To break free.
Written 3/3/14   11:34 AM
© Maniba Kiani
 Mar 2014 Pearl Feldman
 Mar 2014 Pearl Feldman
Slimy, sneaky, slithering, serpent,
Swaying, spattering, spitting,
Slimy, sneaky, slithering, serpent,
Slithering, slashing, stifling.
Written 14/11/13
© Maniba Kiani
 Mar 2014 Pearl Feldman
"I love you"* I said

"I ❤ you" you said

And that fake heart is exactly what you meant by it.
Words are emotions, expressed from the heart. 'Love' in a 'symbolic' love heart spells fake to me, there is a certain uneasiness surrounding it...

© Maniba Kiani
Neglecting lights shining ahead
Providing insurance of love again
Infusing with minimal nights instead
Withdrawing dignity could just be sane

Full of lies
Filled with liars
I'm in pain

Travelling again down this road of shame
Burying my pride engulfed in flames
The back of my mind have gone astray
Looking for my final resting place

You don't care
Say you do
Maybe I change

For this world is so pretentious and fake
May tomorrow be a better day
With or without your heart you say
Don't you worry
I'll be fine away

@2014 Maman Screams
I've made mistakes and I've done sins            
I'll mend my ways against all things
Lines that I've written is as thin as strings
I'll turn to god who is all forgiving


©2014 Maman Screams
 Mar 2014 Pearl Feldman
Ann Voge
I don't care
About who you're new lover is
Or if she makes you happy
I don't care
If she is laying with you now
Or kissing those lips
I don't care
If you're playing with her hair
Or her heart  Like you did mine
I don't care
I don't care
I don't care
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