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Five-pointed geometry lesson,
Abated in eternity,
Candles beating the shadows away,

Sweet desires sung into whiffs of hearing,
And, questions awaiting answers.

Then a familiar ear turned into a familiar voice,
I’m here, my dear, right here.
I saw an old couple today holding hands

and smiled.
I loved the way they still craved one anothers touch, it made me smile
 May 2014 Pearl Feldman
The story of my life
what will it be
You would think that at my age
a plan would be clear to see

I thought I had a direction
and was following my fate
so why do I feel in limbo
or feel I am too late?

It's all I need in life
to know what I'm here for
Open doors I willingly passed through
yet now I'm feeling unsure

So often it feels just right
but frequently I drift away
What is it I'm missing?
What is it I want to say?

Should I be asking for a sign
am I ignoring lifes cues?
I suppose I'm asking now
What is it I should do?
 May 2014 Pearl Feldman
I wish to delve into your poetry
and weave among the words,
walk silently between the lines
sit by pauses incase I'm heard

I want to immerse myself in your phrases
stand tall with the titles you choose,
hide behind the metaphors
myself, I want to lose

I need to lay among the romance
rest my head upon your heart,
listen to your soft whispers
and just watch as you pen your art
 May 2014 Pearl Feldman
Joe Cole
A whiskey and ginger she had before bed
Alas the alcohol fumes went straight to her head
A  wobble in her step  as she crossed the room
Humming to herself a romantic tune
3 steps sideways and 2 steps back
She stood on the dog then sat on the cat
She turned to me with a smile on her face
Said why dont you come and visit my place
Ive got a present for you if you come to my room
But you'll only get it if you get there soon
So I entered her room, heard gentle snores
The present she promised now locked behind tightly closed doors
Oh dear, I should have got there sooner
Im a young adult
Im telling you its not my fualt
The system has come to a hualt
The key to the vualt is locked away
It is locked in my heart
I hope someone could find it
I hope its you
You ..
The Doctors point and whisper
With crude and handmade tools.
Pinch and cut and decompress
like blood soaked sweating ghouls.
A slash, a snap, a sting
make a finger move.
The swollen eye, it twitches
and the mouth begins to drool.

Still no heartbeat, still no life
in the body, three days dead,
yet there is the softest sentence
uttered by the head;
Slipping slug-like out
from desperate lips in dread.
With unfocused twitching eyes
this is what it said:

"Let this one thing still be sacred;
The shroud between the dead and living.
Let the sleeping dogs now lie,
The Dead we're never meant to sing.
"Don't bring Death to Living lands
Don't take back the hourglass sand.
Leave the idols where they stand.
Leave the blood on bloodstained hands."

The doctor ***** his head:
"Is there movement in the brain?"
Another doctor shakes his own:
"None that can sustain"
Sowing shut his lips they say:
"Disturb us not again".
But a wordless sorrow is intact
in the soul that still remains.

Once again they dig in deeper
to find the glitch that kills.
With their knives and scissors
and noises crude and shrill.
The dead head slowly drops
with eyes wet, wide and still,
that meet the eye of a mocking bird
upon the window sill.
Another one dragged from the vaults of my notebooks, written in 2011 or so...
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