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Between the rocks beneath a mountain
the calmest dark upon her chest
where eyes don't stare or fingers grasp
the sleeping queen, she rests.

"Oh, to be found in the shadows
by a prince of unknown grace.
To be taken to his castle
with the sun upon my face.

"Perhaps a farmer or a youth
then cleaned by ***** hands
and brought as a gift of wonder and awe
to a love in humbler lands.

"Perhaps an artist, -a troubled one
whose craft is life and duty.
Whose heart is filled with heavy burdens
and art is filled with beauty".

Tectonic plates, they rumble
she gives a lazy yawn
as a glimpse of light now reaches in
to reveal the naked dawn.

And with the dawn an arm extends
to lift her from her bed.
The bony fingers carry gently
the queen that never wed.

"Perhaps an unlucky homeless man
whose clothes are rags and tatters.
Whose sole possession is me, a diamond,
and I'll be all that matter".

In a village in the deepest jungle
a travler finds a treasure
in the hand of a homeless man
beyond all Earthly meassure.

He says: "Do you know what that rock is worth?"
The homeless says: "I can't,
I lost my sight in the war, you see
but she feels good in my hand".

And he worshipped her all his days
untill he passed away
and in his humble will he asked
she be placed in his grave.

Still she dreams, that sleeping queen
of princes, farmers and artisans.
But she always shines her brightest
when she dreams of the homeless man.
unedited, I'll get back to it later...
 Apr 2014 Pearl Feldman
SG Holter
Poet, be not afraid.
There are far worse things than
Bad poetry.

Keep writing; like a child keeps
Drawing with the purest of
Disregards to likeness.

The more stones you turn, the more
Gems you produce.

The more ink you rain,
The more gracious your written
Children grow.

All flexing builds muscle.

Rough bricks form castles.

Even Dalì carved canvases to shreds
And started anew
Not caring too much.
Not caring

Too much
To keep painting.
I held my head today
With compassionate hands that pulled forth tears
I held my aching head
Filled with thoughts and images I’ve kept
In distant recesses
Breaking free, boiling up to forefronts
With rage and sorrow
Like bodies long forgotten out to sea
Washing ashore to shock new eyes
With bloated horror

Thank you, distant ****** ancestors
For compassionate hands
Broken conversations,
empty lungs,
doors half open,
hearts almost out of love.

We used to talk of how
we used to be infinite.
But now every second now feels
like a stroke against an unforgiving current.

Our conversations broke
as the flaws of our souls
fell through the cracks of this glass foundation.

These upset words that escaped you
left the air around me a little sad,
a little awake,
and with a lot of echoes.

My lungs went empty
talking you down.

I left the door open for you.
So you can walk in
and slip in quietly-
I won't say a word.

And this heart could never go empty,
not mine.
at this point,
I know not.

Flowers never lost their color
as long as you walked this earth.
Only fools rush in
But I don't believe
I don't believe
I could still fall in love with you 

I will love you till I die
And I will love you all the time
So please put your sweet hand in mine
And float in space and drift in time

All the time until I die
We'll float in space, just you and I

All I want in life's
a little bit of love to take the pain away.

This song is beautiful and it plays in my head.

It makes me happy.
The world is on fire
and it's all our fault
We thought we could escape it
But it seems we've been caught

The world is under water
It's drifting deep within
You see a shark is coming
But you forget to swim

The world is caving in
Upon its young and old
They all tried to warn us
Through the stories told

The world has disappeared now
We've destroyed beyond repair
There's no way left to fix it
Does a soul even care.
 Mar 2014 Pearl Feldman
There is a constant mystery
which beckons me.

We go about our time
clickety clakity clarity
clockwork puppets
marching in time
bad relationships
toxic jobs
frozen states of mind
wed to routine
married to the grind.

When a mild minor
barely alive flickering
a little flame
smaller than a bic lighter
the straight and narrow
not just a *** hole or sinkhole
a geyser that shoots you out.

The next moment
you're taking your clothes out of the closet
walking out of an office with the meeting waiting
getting on a plane
lining up for a train
hopping in the car

Revolution is in the air
the program has changed
you sit in that rocking chair
the last piece of furniture
an ending chapter
the previous moments of life
the identity of who you once were
dead and gone
all that had defined you is done.

This is the mystery
which speaks to me
deaths and resurrection
what begins as a decision
becomes the riding
a wave
heading for the sand
heading for the light
will I be all right
praying to Jesus
where you'll emerge
as melancholy
excitement too
the change
the revolution concludes
you become
new form of you.
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