Don't over use them or forget their worth
I know it's only three small words
But spoken loud for all to hear
As a train leaves you shed a tear
Spoken softly by your child at night
Fills your body with warmth inside
Slow and cold at the end of the affair
Like hearing a shot ring through the air
Yet said by many as false platitude
Whilst kissing cheeks is over used
What is missed is not the words
For the feeling simply can't be heard
So as I kiss your cheek whilst you gently sleep
Or hold your hand whilst you weep
Or make you smile at a silly joke
Knowing only you have understood
That is love in all its parts
Not just I love you said out loud
If used to much it losses weight
The words are lost and have no place
For my friend Anja Lindtner a rather good writter, observational columnist and mother.