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281 · Oct 2014
What do I do
Paige Oct 2014
How am I ever supposed
to decide on what's a good
direction to go with my life,
when I can't even decide on what
I want for lunch today.
If I ever want to finish school
I have no choice but to
pay for it in order to get my aid back.
I can, but the idea of spending
that much money on something
I could **** up is scary.
But I'm tired of bumming around,
working my life away,
with no end goal.
I don't have a life plan right now,
and I'm almost 20.
I need to get one and soon.
281 · Nov 2014
I loved you
Paige Nov 2014
I loved you because
you are that little boy
in the picture frame
on the wall in your living room.
You are the only one
who didn't turn your back
on me when I needed someone most.
You are the guy
that just wants to take care
of his dad and doesn't
even think about his needs.
You are fearless and honest.
I loved you because you
were everything that everyone
thought you weren't.
I loved you because I
knew *you.
281 · Jun 2014
What I'm doing
Paige Jun 2014
It is 1:22 am
and I am at work.
Completely bored
out of my mind,
with nothing left to do.
I can hear the clock
ticking slowly.
There are 4 empty
desks around me.
Everybody else works
during the day.
I got locked out during
my smoke break,
and scared the ****
out of the only other
lady here.
when I peeked my head
through her window.

I have a bowl calling
my name at home.

I still have half an hour left.
280 · Jul 2015
My dearest friend
Paige Jul 2015
If you don't mind,
I'd like to join you by
your side.

-Tim Burton
280 · Feb 2015
Paige Feb 2015
I finally caved and dyed
my hair again,
after months of letting it go,
just too lazy to care.
I came out of the shower
with the same off blonde
color I've had for years.
No roots!

I should be in bed,
but it's always hard to sleep
alone after laying next to someone
the night before.
I enjoy being by myself,
but I've never enjoyed an empty bed.

He wakes me up at 3 in the morning
with kisses that turn into more,
we smoke cigarettes,
and I go back to sleep as he
continues to stay up into
the night.
I like it this way.

Not the way it is now.
280 · Sep 2014
Paige Sep 2014
Have you ever just
wanted to cry so badly,
but you can't?
Like, stuff that usually
would bring a tear to your
eye, just doesn't anymore.
But you're not invincible to
all of it.
You just save it.
Stick it in that file cabinet
with all the other ****
in it in the back of your head.
Until one day,
it's like something happens
and all the people in the office
inside your brain just pick
up handfuls of files
and toss them in the air.
And you stand there and watch
as all of that paper just
sinks to the floor.
But eventually you have to
clean up the mess and throw
it away,
and all is okay;
and then your file cabinet
is empty.
Until it starts to get full again..
280 · Jun 2014
I finished another one
Paige Jun 2014
I read
Slouching toward Nirvana
by Charles Bukowski
in a few hours,
but first I
rolled a few joints
and was sad
when I turned
the last page.
It makes me feel
good to know that at
one point in time
somebody existed
that has thought the same
thoughts I have.
280 · Jun 2015
Paige Jun 2015
I don't think I will ever
lose that wil e coyote feeling.
Always on the chase for things
that I want,
a spontaneous urge to run away,
or live in destruction.
I blame this on my age,
but sometimes I wonder if
it's just who I am.
278 · Oct 2014
Paige Oct 2014
It was him.
I woke up to a friend request.

I've been waiting for this day
for 6 months.
278 · Oct 2014
Paige Oct 2014
I think I'm finally
ready to move on.
It was so easy to be
wanderlust when I didn't
know where you are.
But I do now.
It would never be the same again,
even if we both wanted it to be.
Our lives have moved in
two opposite directions,
and I can see clearer now
that we will never be an us.
It's sad but true.
I'm letting go of you.
278 · Oct 2014
Paige Oct 2014
I am the type of girl who
dances like a diva
in her ratty car
to bad music.
Wakes up in a bad mood
for no reason on a beautiful
and cries because her shoe strings
got in a knot.
I bite my nails,
and pull my hair and
smoke too much ***.

I will never be perfect
but I'll still be great.
276 · Jul 2014
Running in circles
Paige Jul 2014
If something ever actually
went right, and
turned out the way it should,
then I guess that's what they call
Because nothing is ever good,
or right in life.
You change jobs in hopes that
it makes you happy,
and makes you money,
only to find out you never should have
come here.
You follow your brain instead
of your heart,
and you end up loving two people
at the same time.

I am beginning to think that
everything and everyone is too
good to be true.
being alive is too good to be true.
275 · Sep 2014
How was your day
Paige Sep 2014
Technically I've been kicked
out of my first place.
Not on the street because
I couldn't pay the bills,
but because I am not
welcome anymore.
I'm going to try to be back
at my parents by today.
Honestly it's fine.
Just means that now I'll have
a lot more money.
But what does bug me is how
I am so unwelcome everywhere
I go.
I'm sure my parents aren't thrilled
to have me back,
my room mates booted me,
my co-workers pretend I'm
not there,
and my boyfriend doesn't care
that I wasted 30 miles of gas
to pick him up last night,
only to find an empty building,
and no phone call.

But it's all okay.
I tried it out the other day,
and deciding to just "wing it",
worked out pretty well.
I ended up with a 12$ bowl
that changes color,
and a great mood.

So, I have a new plan.
275 · Mar 2014
Why I should be high
Paige Mar 2014
I should have
gotten ****** before
I came to class today.
I should be drinking
my coffee like it's
a bag of chips,
because I have the munchies.
Bust in the door,
smelling like Bob Marley,
because I haven't washed
my hair yet.
My eyes should be
and dying to close.

But instead I sit here
I should have come to
class ******
because I don't do
the things I want to do
enough anymore.
273 · Jan 2015
Bear heart
Paige Jan 2015
Here, in what I guess must
be my favorite spot.
Cross legged on top of the
chain smoking and
I am comfortable.
Watching rich people get awards,
between reading Bukowski,
the bear he gifted last Valentines Day
lays on its back beside me.
The bear makes for good company,
but he would be even better.
Because even though the silence
is sweet,
there's nothing more delicious
than sitting next to the
person I love.
273 · Dec 2014
Paige Dec 2014
There's no other light
in the room besides the cherry
burning the end of my cigarette.
Just like the rest,
I write better in the dark.
Laying in this bed, and
staring out the window,
I realized I'm living,
but not really; in
my own prison cell.
Trapped and stuck in one
place, unable to move on.
271 · Jun 2014
Paige Jun 2014
When you work alone,
late at night,
with no one to talk to,
eventually you
have conversations
with yourself.
Not out loud,
just inside.
And it's never about
anything you'll remember
No? Just me?
Well, maybe I'm
talking to you,
268 · Mar 2015
Paige Mar 2015
I wonder if you think
about how I'm just not there
to talk to anymore; every day.
I think I just want my abscense
to be noticed.
By you.
Or someone else.
Has anyone ever mentioned me to you?
Asked, " Hey, what happened to that girl you always used to be with?"
And I wonder how you would respond.

I hate that I don't know the
answer to that question anymore.
268 · Nov 2014
I miss you
Paige Nov 2014
He said he missed me
He missed me.
That's all I ever needed
to hear.
268 · Dec 2014
Just to see
Paige Dec 2014
I drive through the town
that helped us meet;
every day on my way to
just hoping to catch a glimpse
of you.
I thought I saw your car at
the gas station that I didn't
need to go to,
so I pulled in and my heart was
pounding in my chest.
I walked in and knew instantly that
you weren't there.
But I just had to see.
268 · Jul 2014
I should've known better
Paige Jul 2014
what kind of idiot am I?
I messaged him and asked,
Can we talk sometime?
And a little part of me
really expected him to answer.

But of course he isn't going to.
He has nothing left to say.
He is the one that said we shouldn't
be friends.

But god ******,
this isn't fair.
It's not what I wanted.

Why can't I get some closure?
Why does it have to end like this?
Why does it have to end at all..
266 · Apr 2014
Paige Apr 2014
Boys are cute.
They do cute things.
They eat cereal before bed,
and drink chocolate milk.
They run around,
constantly smiling
and laughing.
They sleep in late
and then apologize.
Boys grab your ***
in public,
and then walk away
with a wink.
They smell good,
they're always warm,
and they make excellent pillows.
I love boys.

I am so straight... lol
265 · Aug 2014
Why I love Sundays
Paige Aug 2014



265 · Mar 2015
Paige Mar 2015
Why did he have to bring up the past.
Remind me of when he wrecked his bike the night before he
would be gone for three weeks
by showing me his scar.
Letting me know that he remembers us.
He was so generous and polite,
and he was flirting with me;
I missed him so ******* much.
How did I ever let myself get here,
so much that I feel this way?
And how come I never gave us
a chance. Like I was afraid to say what the hell I really wanted when I could have it.
It only lasted two hours,
but I could've stayed all night,
enjoying the sound of his voice.
I'm glad I did it though because now I know for sure that I still love him.
264 · Dec 2014
Under the covers
Paige Dec 2014
I dream about you every night
as though I'm trying to
make up for what should've been,
even if it was only for a little while.
I made the wrong choice way
back then.
There is no way of going back
and changing my own mind now,
but a girl can dream.
262 · Aug 2014
What to do now
Paige Aug 2014
I feel a bit empty,
because today should be
the day I go back to
Instead I'm sitting
in the parking lot at work,
because I lost my
financial aid.
To be honest,
I don't know what to do
I'm kind of waiting
on the universe to give
me a sign.
Paige Jul 2014
This is the most depressing
time of my young life.

Every day I wake up,
it's a struggle to survive,
to get high,
to smile honestly.

But it's perfect writing material.

The misery of working a full time job,
trying to succeed in College,
while maintaining friendships, and relationships.

Impossible, by the way.

They don't tell you this when you're young,
in fear that you'll actually go ahead
and take that final solution,
but it doesn't always get better..

in fact, sometimes it gets worse.

But this time
there's no finish line and a flag
that says, "You're done!"

Because this is the real world,
and in the real world you don't get
a ribbon just for showing up.
261 · Sep 2014
Paige Sep 2014
It was so cold this morning
you could see your breathe.
I sat in my car with the window
trying to air out the smell
of cigarettes and ****,
and I noticed I could see
the air.

It is almost October,
and this is Ohio.
261 · Jun 2015
The rain can stay
Paige Jun 2015
The rain finally came,
and cooled everything off.
I now look forward to it
because I know that it means
I will sleep very well.
The fan blows on me,
standing beside the bed,
with the window open behind it.
Rain air.
Sleep is working his way
up to my eyes;
they are wanting to close.
So, I will sleep,
and it will storm.
261 · Sep 2014
What I've learned
Paige Sep 2014
One of the most important
things I've learned since
becoming an adult, is
that other people hate to see
you happy.
They will try everything they
can to drag you down to
their level of misery.
The only obligation you
have as a person is to fight
for what creates that happiness
and to listen to no one but you.
Have a good relationship?
Someone will try to convince you
that it isn't.
Have a good job?
Someone will try to take it
away from you.
Have a good self-esteem?
Ha. Not for long sucker. People will make sure that you hate what you have to see in the mirror every day.
But you don't have to listen.
Turn off your ears and turn on
your brain.
And never let anyone ruin your life.
260 · Aug 2014
Paige Aug 2014
Lately I've been
writing poems
and then forgetting
about them as soon as
I hit the send button.
Usually the words
hang around inside my head
and I obsessive over it,
reading the poem to myself
multiple times
without actually looking at it,
as though I have to remember
or it was never there.

But my writing recently
has felt dry,
and sporadic.

I can't stop pulling
out my hair.
259 · Oct 2014
After I smoked a bowl
Paige Oct 2014
I just had to stop and delete
everything I had written
because when I read back over it,
I realized I was about to
try and put garbage out
and hopefully get a like.
I apologize anyway.
I just feel different these
days, like something's got
ahold of my spirit.
I feel like I'm a few more
bad weeks away from
having a mental breakdown.
Caution: keep the ***** away from me, otherwise you'll have a
sobbing nineteen year old
wreck in your lap.
I don't know how to end
this poem because I haven't
come to a conclusion.
259 · Jun 2014
Paige Jun 2014
As writers, we know
that it usually takes
a storm in order
to create a rainbow.
After the smoke clears
and you're laying there
with the blood from
your heart on
the sheets...
that's when you
start to write.
When you're looking
for someone at
the bottom of a
or smoking your
second joint,
you write.
When you feel like
quitting that minimum
wage job
because you haven't slept
a full 8 hours since
last Halloween,
you write.
Because it's how we
breathe, cope, not end up
in the back of a cop car.
We hope that somehow the
words we spill onto
a piece of paper will
actually fix the problem
this time.
258 · Sep 2014
First day of the week
Paige Sep 2014
I got a little too high
before work today.
So I'm sitting here,
in my car in the parking lot
trying to sober up my
eye ***** as quickly as I can.
But I'm excited to get back to
work, that weekend was too
And there's something comforting
about routine.
Besides my outfit
I look terrible today.
I shoulda washed my hair,
and I shouldn't have gotten

It's a Monday.
258 · Apr 2014
Life's this way
Paige Apr 2014
I am prepared
for him to tell me
to *******,
and go die in a ditch.
But I am not prepared
for him to be nice
to me.
It's always a shock,
and it actually kills
me more.
The last time,
he looked at me as he spoke
and my heart was doing
flips and my throat
was closing up.
I will never be able to
fully apologize,
but I wish that
he knew I love him.
258 · Sep 2014
After dark
Paige Sep 2014
Tonight I am miss
Mary Jane.

Wh o a r e y  o    u u u
257 · Jun 2015
Love is love
Paige Jun 2015
I saw a rainbow on my way
home tonight.
I can't think of a better way to end
such an important day for love.
Equality matters.
It felt good to come home
to my house in a new country
where love is being celebrated.
My heart is glowing for all of those that have fought so hard for the right
to happiness.
And for my brother.
This one is for him.
256 · Jan 2015
New year
Paige Jan 2015
I am the person
who says that
New Years resolutions are
but I think that on this
lonely, sick night
I need to hope for a better future.
Maybe it's okay that I'm
ending the year still recovering
from the flu,
smoking 2014's last bowl,
and not feeling like my life
is where I want it to be.
They say once you hit the bottom,
that there is no where to go
my New Years resolution
is to allow myself to be happy,
and not allow anyone else to
prevent it, or hold me back.
To make myself proud,
and to take more time to
take care of my
Happy New Year <3
255 · Nov 2014
A little lonely
Paige Nov 2014
The holidays always make
me feel lonely.
I wish he was with me.
I wish I was with him.
I'm thankful for the love
I have,
because there is no one else
like him.
To my handsome, peach - Dylan
Paige Mar 2014
It's the moments
when we are
holding hands
in the store,
as I help him
pick stuff out.
When we're dancing
in the car to the radio,
and kissing at every
stop sign.
When we're making love,
and when he gets me high.
That's when I'm happy.
I love this boy who works
with me at Burger King.
In so many ways we are
very different,
and he makes me crazy.
But when he says,
I love you baby
I melt once again
and everything is okay.
We are okay.
254 · Nov 2014
I'm almost twenty
Paige Nov 2014
I am devastated,
angry, and hopeless.
I am almost 20 years old.
I am almost 20 years old.
I say this about once a day,
not to brag,
but because I am terrified
about where my life is
at this age.
I am nothing.
And there's no nice way to say it.
And absolutely no answers
on how to change it.
254 · Mar 2014
So what
Paige Mar 2014
I wanna smoke
cigarettes in the
bath tub.
Lie on my bed
wearing nothing
but a robe.
Spike up my hair
just because I can.
Drive on the little
amount of gas
I have, just to see
how far I get.
I wanna eat breakfast
at the Waffle House
tomorrow morning
with some one,
not say a word and
have that be okay.
I want to dye my
hair black,
because I don't
think my current
situation is me.
I want to smoke
**** all day
and blow my pay check
on cigars and bad food.
I want to wake up
one day and for once,
actually have all of
these things that
I want.
253 · May 2015
Over again
Paige May 2015
I know that whatever those
couple weeks of enjoying each other's
company were are over now,
because you ignored me again.
252 · Oct 2014
Paige Oct 2014
I've already decided
that I will use positivity
to get through this 8
hour shift at my fast food
The one I got less than a week ago.
I don't hate it.
But I'm already tired of the
long days and the lack
of seeing my boyfriend.
If I could still sleep next
to him maybe I wouldn't
be missing him so bad right now.
I really need to stay
252 · Oct 2014
That place
Paige Oct 2014
I think it's sort of weird
how I've created this
character of him in my
Where he is everything I
want him to be,
and the truth.
I was thinking that maybe
I'm becoming this weird,
stalker type person,
but now I realize that he
is that place in my mind
that I can go
when I need to find happiness
or solitude.

It's nice to go there.
252 · Mar 2014
It's all good
Paige Mar 2014
Yesterday I
took him to
the hospital.
When I showed up
at his house he
was shaking,
and I could tell
he was in pain.
We got lost on the
way there but it
turned into a
fun road trip.
I laid my head on
his shoulder in the
waiting room,
and we played
I spy,
as we waited for
the doctor.
They said that it
was nothing serious,
so we ran to the car
when we were released,
and pulled into
the Taco Bell next door.
When we got back to his
house we got
high with the clouds,
and landed in his bed.
We had a perfect day,
that I never wanted to end.
And I fell even more
in love with the boy
I took to the hospital.
251 · Jun 2015
Paige Jun 2015
I woke up on the wrong side
of the bed this morning.
Hair a mess,
makeup smeared on my face.
Too early.
After "getting ready" I fell back asleep,
until I had to leave,
only to step out my door and
find my car blocked in.
After all of that
I bought a pack of cigarettes.
I'm disappointed in myself
for wasting the money.
But I needed one.
Drove to work in the rain
while my car was acting funny,
and did my makeup in the rear view mirror.
It can only get better from here right?
I just want to go home and watch
Orange is the new black.
But I have my dads party to go to,
and my boyfriend to pick up.

Maybe I just won't
251 · Jun 2015
In case this gets to you
Paige Jun 2015
I've been thinking about you
a lot lately.
Daisy day dreaming about what
our life could be like.
Long nights spent talking and laughing,
shared with good ****,
and drinks.
But most of all, happiness.
A n d
    Y     o  u.
a n   d
250 · Apr 2015
How I miss you
Paige Apr 2015
I think he was trying
to ask me how I missed him.
Like, as a friend or something else.
I asked what he meant,
and he steered away from the question.
I was glad he did,
because I wasn't sure how
to answer.
I might have to say both.

I wonder how he misses me.
249 · Sep 2014
I hate my job
Paige Sep 2014
I wish I could say
I don't give a fuuck.
You all expect too much.
I'm still new to this,
I'm 19,
I failed out of college.
I don't know any of this stuff.
And sometimes when they
talk it turns into a
foreign language.
I just want to yell at
everybody to back off.
Give me a chance.
But their job is to hate
on me..
But today I really could care
less.. I'm flying.
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