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248 · May 2014
You're pathetic
Paige May 2014
Maybe it's because
change is on the horizon,
and a new start is
about to begin,
but I realized that
all I do is pity you.
When something doesn't
work out the way you
you go right back
to your old ways,
as though it's actually
going to fix all
of your problems this time.
You can't be clean for
3 days and expect the
world to see you
It's a commitment.
To yourself,
to become a better
If life *****,
then do something
about it.
I did.
So what's your
247 · Apr 2015
Just a second
Paige Apr 2015
There's nothing like smoking
a blunt on the drive home.
It's fun to share,
but even better to have to
Just the road,
music and it.

Oh yeah,
there's that moment of happiness
247 · May 2015
Paige May 2015
Why does ***** go hand in hand
with that ache in the pit of your
It's like it's filling up
the empty space someone left
I guess I just feel sick
because I don't understand
what happened.
What did I do?
246 · Mar 2014
Last night
Paige Mar 2014
We were sitting on
the floor of his laundry
in tears as I was
trying to end it.
But all I wanted
to do was kiss him.
So I scooched closer
and I did.
He asked me why
I did that and
the answer was easy.
I said,
I love you.
So we smoked a few
bowls and talked for
a few hours,
and we ended up
in his bed.
We spent the night
kissing, and
Making love and
making up.
It was all just
a mis-understanding.
246 · Jan 2015
Personal taste
Paige Jan 2015
I don't know if I could
ever collaborate with another
Unless they get inspired the
way I do.
Smoking a bowl,
a perfect sunrise or sunset,
the flick of a candle in the dark,
and the way his arms feel around me
after being apart for way
too long.
Otherwise the whole thing
would make me sick,
and probably ruin everything
about writing.
246 · May 2015
4:23 am
Paige May 2015
If the point was to make me
jealous or **** me off,
it worked.
245 · Mar 2015
Paige Mar 2015
I had a conversation that
really opened my eyes to something
I didn't realize I was missing.
Maybe I really can't forget you
because you never told me
to move on.
The type of connection
I had with you wasn't one
that could just be left unanswered.
You never said to go ahead,
and give up.
So maybe that's why I still have
this question locked away in a box
that I don't open, because it's
too dusty.

Do you still want to be with me?
245 · Jun 2014
I tried my best
Paige Jun 2014
I hate this town.
I hate that I still
******' live here.

And now that it's
summer time,
I am constantly reminded
of him.
A boy that I was
head over heels
obsessed about,
out of nowhere.

Everybody asked me
what I was doing
with him,
and I could never think
of what to say.
But the bottom
of my heart
could only think,
I love you.

We connected,
we just got each other,
never pretending to be
anyone else.

I know every dark secret,
heart break,
suicide attempt,
because he told me.
We really knew each other.

And it was the scariest
thing on earth,
so I ran away,
and he disappeared.

I never told
that I  l o v e d  h i m .
I really wanted to save him.
243 · Mar 2014
I hate this
Paige Mar 2014
I literally just
have to keep saying
good vibes right now,
otherwise I'm going
to scream.
243 · Sep 2014
Life sucks
Paige Sep 2014
Honestly I feel like
my life is falling apart.
Everything good I had
is gone.
I'm right back to where
I was a year ago
except this time I have
no Tv to fill my nights.
I'm gonna have to get used
to spending a lot of time
I'll just always be high
and continue this
shopping addiction
in hopes that new clothes
will make me feel important.

And do whatever I can
to enjoy constant solitude.
240 · Apr 2015
Four twenty
Paige Apr 2015
I always knew that 4/20
was a special day.
I woke up two minutes after
he said,
I miss you too.
I have nothing to smoke on
but those words take me higher
than any **** I've ever tried.
Or maybe it's because my
20th birthday is a week from today.
Like an early present I've
been waiting for.
240 · Jun 2015
Trials of ordinary life
Paige Jun 2015
I sit here on my bed,
in my hot room,
with a 1.5 liter bottle of wine
beside me.
Im going to drink the rest,
in hopes of sleep,
and because the bottle is cold
against my legs.
Here I am.
In my natural habitat,
surrounded by uncomfortable
feelings and anger.
Charles Bukowski lays open
in front of me,
but I've already read it.
Besides I am supposed to be
asleep right now.
I won't even tell you how early
I have to be awake.
It just sounds pathetic.

I'm not depressed, just over it.
And I'm okay with that.
239 · Apr 2014
Birthday blues
Paige Apr 2014
Maybe I secretly
end up setting my
expectations too
because I always
wake up on
my birthday feeling
lonely and disappointed.
I just wish I could
feel special and important
for just one day.
238 · Oct 2014
It all works out
Paige Oct 2014
I know it may seem like
Or maybe I'm just
a ******.
But either way, he
wanted to see how I was.
How I am.
I knew I couldn't be the only one.
He misses me.
I knew I wasn't crazy.
It's been over 10 months since
we last spoke,
but I haven't forgotten.
And apparently he hasn't either.
This is seriously good news.
Everything works itself out.
238 · Mar 2014
Paige Mar 2014
I suppose he's doing
this on purpose.
Just to drive me crazy.
He posts about drowning
his sorrows in
a bottle of *****,
losing his heart
to a girl with
blue eyes.
Once again I
stole his happiness
and left him a
breathing corpse.
And I don't know how
to move on after
destroying another
human being.
237 · Mar 2015
Paige Mar 2015
I wake up at 9 am,
and slump out of bed.
Shuffle down stairs to the
bathroom and shower.
It takes me around 15 minutes to
blow dry and tame my hair,
before I brush my teeth and
put makeup on.
Smoke a cigarette,
get dressed,
then put my hair up
and savor the time I have before
I have to get in my car and
drive 20 miles to start my 8
hour shift.
But today;
I read.
Charles Bukowski.
The only art form that connects
with me,
and doesn't make me feel
so bad that I don't have it figured out.
But that only lasts 30 minutes,
and now it's time to go to work.
237 · Dec 2014
Paige Dec 2014
Today I will be at work,
but my soul will be off
somewhere in my car,
packed with my old friends.
Enjoying this nice weather in
I'll be reliving old memories,
and ones that never got to be.
Good music,
good bud,
good friends and
good vibes.

I think,
what I need more than
anything are friends.
237 · Feb 2015
How is your heart?
Paige Feb 2015
What matters most is how well you walk through the fire.*
     -Charles Bukowski <3
I'm reading You get so alone at times that it just makes sense, by that genius man up there. And I just read this line. It's beautiful
236 · Aug 2014
My only sunshine
Paige Aug 2014
You may not know
how much my soul
adores hearing you say
that my words have
That is all I have ever
To connect with somebody
through my writing,
and leave a lasting impression
on you.
I'd be lying if I said
I don't still look for your
car at Speedway
before I pull in.
Or skip that glance
as I drive by your road
after work,
because this time,
I might see you.
In a way it's like you're
my guardian angel
who's still here on earth,
because you are the only
one who believes in me,
and what I have to say.
You lift me up right before
I'm about to give up.
Maybe that's why I have
always called you my sunshine.

You make me happy,
*when skies are grey.
236 · Feb 2015
Everything is hearts
Paige Feb 2015
I was never your valentine,
and you were never mine.
We didn't make it past

I wonder who you think of
on that fourteenth day of
when you see the words,
*I love you.
236 · Nov 2014
Right words
Paige Nov 2014
I've tried for days to
write something
beautiful about you,
but I can't find the words
to say.
Because I haven't seen you,
or heard your voice.
But I know that when that day
comes I will practically
write a novel.
236 · Oct 2014
Five minutes
Paige Oct 2014
I was listening to the radio
this morning and someone repeated
a quote
they'd heard,
You can't make old friends.
So, call someone you love
they said.
Even for five minutes.
Funny, that I've tried to do this
very thing with him before.
Just calling to say I'm sorry.
But it's too late.
That's probably what he'd
say anyways.
Although, is it ever really too late
to make things right?
235 · Oct 2014
Paige Oct 2014
One thing that I hope
never changes is the
way I feel when I
lay down next to you,
and lay my head on your
chest like it's a pillow.
I hope that you always
miss me when I'm gone,
and smile when you see me.
I hope that we always love
each other as much as we do
right now.
Paige Jun 2014
If I
didn't write
I would

m i n d ..
233 · Aug 2014
Dying of boredom
Paige Aug 2014
I can't sleep.
And sometimes I wish
I could just leave
and go back home when
I wake up.
Sometimes I miss what my
life was like when I was
I don't know if I see
myself spending the
rest of my life with him.
I STILL haven't introduced him
to my family,
and we're just a hidden
hermit couple
who doesn't even have ***
I don't like it. This isn't what I want.

I am terrible at relationships.
A weird part of me wants to end
up alone.
233 · Mar 2014
As I pause to hit a bowl
Paige Mar 2014
I'm sorry I got high
and my fingers can't
stop writing sentences
about him.
But he is my muse.
The perfect amount
of true insanity,
in this corrupt universe.
And I just wanna tell him
232 · Apr 2015
Like mad
Paige Apr 2015
I kept asking him,
"Why aren't you still mad?"
And he kept saying,
"Because I love you and I'm
not going to hold a grudge."

And for some reason that made
me less angry,
and more sad.
231 · May 2014
Home or Hell
Paige May 2014
Some people never
click with their
Even after the
terrible teenage
stage ends.
Turns out I'm one
of those people.
I'm a hated stranger
in my own home.
And no matter how hard
I try to make my
parents happy,
it's never good enough.
Somewhere along the
way I became the
disappointment of
the family.
But their doubt
only makes me want
to work harder,
to prove them all
I need to get out of here.
228 · Mar 2014
Over coffee
Paige Mar 2014
I felt that old feeling
I used to get when
you are around.
And how appropriate
that we ran into each other
on such a nice day.
After all, you are my sunshine.
228 · Mar 2014
Paige Mar 2014
I'm sitting here
Fear and Loathing,
thinking about
The first time I
tried watching it
I was too busy
kissing on a couch.
I've always had this
dream where the two
of us just take off.
To nowhere.
Take drugs and
drink ourselves stupid.
Lose ourselves in
each other and
fall in love with
the road.
I could get lost
as long as he was
with me.
227 · Sep 2014
Paige Sep 2014
Throughout all of my visits
to Fort St. Clair
I have started noticing
that I'm not the only
person there who is alone,
sitting in their cars just
staring through the windshield
into nature.
I think my town needs
that spot.
So all the people can go there
once in awhile and sit in
peace, or sit
sick with themselves for never
getting out of this town.
I'm there to have peace
and smoke ***.
Maybe they are too.
227 · Jun 2015
Hello. Good night
Paige Jun 2015
Good night sunshine,
I always hope to see you
in the mornings.
227 · Sep 2014
Paige Sep 2014
I'm stupid for
still caring.
There's no proof that he does,
and no point in doing so.
227 · Dec 2014
Paige Dec 2014
He makes me feel
hopeful that one day
everything will be better.
And I love him for it.
For my peach
227 · Aug 2014
Paige Aug 2014
I was all macho
about not caring
Until I unexpectedly
saw him today.
It feels like the universe
wanted me to see how
happy he is,
what I missed out on.
I was pulling out of
Speedway to come see
my boyfriend, (who is late)
and there he was,
driving by me in a
on the passenger side
with his arm out
the window,
and a smile on his face.
He didn't even see me.
I was paralyzed.
The whole way to my
boyfriends I cried
and yelled at no one,
begging for an answer
as to why I just saw the
one person I never wanted
to see again.

I'm just gonna hope
that sometimes things
happen for no reason..
224 · Jul 2015
Can't keep up
Paige Jul 2015
I read something somewhere
that said; God takes unnecessary
people out of your life,
so as not to hinder your path.
But I don't think he was the one
that made us the way we are today.
In fact, if anything he gave me so
many chances.
I made mistakes, and so did he.
But God was definitely not involved.

He wouldn't have been able
to keep up with us.
223 · May 2015
I'm going to
Paige May 2015
I'm going to try to be an adult.
I'm going to try to not freak out.
I'm going to try to be smart.
I'm going to try to not miss my mom so much.
I'm going to do this because I can.
223 · Nov 2014
What did I ever know
Paige Nov 2014
I used to really believe that
I was meant to be
with him.
Everything fell into place,
everything felt right,
everything was different, and better.
For once, I couldn't sleep because
I couldn't wait to wake up
and see him again.
Everything was perfect.
But, that was the thing.
Nothing that is real is ever perfect.
I can't apologize or explain
my actions because it was like,
I had no control.
I thought that I actually knew
what LOVE is...
but what did I really know?

Since it's over a year later and I
don't have him.
222 · Sep 2014
Friday morning
Paige Sep 2014
Sometimes I can't tell if
I like the way my life is
going or,
if I hate it.
And no matter how much
the hopeless romantic
inside me wants to
see what could be,
I can't get over how it feels
to lay next to him.
And I'm not exactly ready to
let go of the boy who
looks so cute with his hood
and when he is laying there
Lately I have began thinking
that comfortable isn't what
I wanted,
but he's not just a boyfriend,
he's my friend,
and I don't have enough of
those here lately.
221 · Oct 2014
Ten thirty
Paige Oct 2014
I know that all it would
take is one word,
and a conversation
would begin.
And maybe I could
think about something else.
that still feels like
driving on an icy road.
I'm just scared to find out
which it's going to be.
Bad or good.
I think I'd end up feeling
the same,
either way.
221 · Apr 2015
my birthday
Paige Apr 2015
I decided to
the last few minutes of
that was left from this beautiful
and stick it in my
for ones that aren't so
221 · Sep 2014
In my head
Paige Sep 2014
I'm having one of those
days where I spend
the hours reminiscing
in my head.
Probably because I have
nothing to do after work.
I miss the days where I
didn't have a boyfriend,
but I had friends.
I had people.
I didn't feel so lost when
I had to be alone.
And I'm kinda mad at myself,
because it's my own fault
for not having anyone in
my life.
And now that I can't see
my boyfriend as often,
I'm stuck in my own head
even more,
trying to escape by
smoking *** and watching
Orange is the new black.
But seasons end.
And then what will I do?
220 · Aug 2014
Keep quiet
Paige Aug 2014
I wrote him
a mess of run on sentences
in a message on Facebook,
one day after work when
the beer gave me false courage.
I haven't read it since
I released it from my grasp.
I never want to.
It's been days,
and he's had no reaction.
He probably doesn't care.
I feel like an idiot,
but my drunk words
were true words.
220 · Jul 2014
Solitude with yourself
Paige Jul 2014
I miss being alone,
and taking time for myself.
I miss sitting on the couch,
sharing a bowl with my lips
and catching up on a show that I love.
I miss watching the sun set,
and not saying a word.
Taking walks, or going on a cruise.
True peace and quiet.
I miss smoking in my car at
the fort at nine in the morning.
Taking my time after a shower,
because I have nowhere to go.
Greed and gluttony used to be my lovers,
spending all of my money on things that I want,
whenever I want it.

I miss all of the time that I once
thought was being wasted.
219 · Jul 2015
Three hours in
Paige Jul 2015
I just feel so annoyed.
Like I could quit my job
and not care.
I don't know what's been
wrong with me.
It's just been one of those
Paige May 2014
All the things I should have said
are already written down, on this little website. Yet I am just another insignificant url  on the internet.
But maybe if I had given each
just one of the poems they inspired me to write, then maybe it would
be different.
I have never been able to actually say
how I feel correctly. Ever since I was a
little girl with big, pink glasses,
a pen has always been
my voice.
Too bad people can't hear the
sound of someone scratching
their name onto a piece
of paper.
217 · Jan 2015
Fall asleep
Paige Jan 2015
It felt good to lay down
next to him and know
that I didn't have to
get up.

To fall asleep with him there.

He calms me down and
makes me smile
and tells me I look so cute
when I'm mad.

He doesn't even have to tell me
he loves me,
because he shows me every day.
216 · Dec 2014
Call you
Paige Dec 2014
I want to call you
and just sit on the phone
in silence while I watch Tv,
so this room doesn't feel so
216 · May 2015
Dreamer's time
Paige May 2015
It isn't okay to leave me where
you left me.
Act like I didn't care.
To disappear without a word,
leave me in the dark,
and stranded in a town full of people that always leaves me feeling lonely.
That was the last time I will ever get my heart broken by you again.
The last time I let you impact me.
Shake me. Change me.
If you don't want to talk,
then let's never talk again.
I want these to be the last words I ever write about your miserable existence.
You weren't the same anyways.
I didn't change. You did.
It's easy to hate you,
so that's what I'll do.
Because loving you is a waste of a dreamer's time.
214 · Apr 2015
Paige Apr 2015
Happy spots are rare to find,
but when you do,
claim them as your own.
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