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 Jan 2015 Pdub
 Jan 2015 Pdub
December came and went
without notice of your departure.

but when January rolled around and fruit cake and sparkling lights no longer littered my home, it felt empty and i remembered how full and intense your presence was and how i longed for what we almost,
but never fully, had.
 Jan 2015 Pdub
 Jan 2015 Pdub
Don't promise me stars.
They are not within your

I would be happy with the
Constellations freckled
And trailing down your
 Jan 2015 Pdub
Joseph Schneider
Life descends into the vice of those who judge...
Unconditional opinions give those the nudge...
The nudge into darkness we ride...
Back into the corner we hide...
From those high on life's pleading destruction...
It's hard for us to begin our reconstruction...
People unable to enter society's plains...
Due to the judgmental's menacing claims...
It's time we stop listening to those of scorn...
It's time to know those are the ones truly torn...
For we are all beautiful in our own little ways...
It's time to realise it with no more delays...

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
 Jan 2015 Pdub
Post mortem
 Jan 2015 Pdub
On the day
her body burned
she asked the
winds to be
her friends
and they
picked her
up and poured
her through
the fingers of
their hands
like a river
without ending
that won't
be tied or
bound, until
every trace of
dust embraced
the freedom it
had found.
 Jan 2015 Pdub
The most broken people
always have the most beautiful smiles
those who are the saddest, always have the kindest hearts, the most kindred means. Those who are the saddest, always have the most to offer. Embrace the beauty in which we call melancholy.
 Jan 2015 Pdub
what happens once the spark of consciousness disappears?
this thought was once one of my greatest fears
does a soul somehow disperse like vapour from deep within our ears
i've wondered about this for most of my years
and often discussed it with friends over beers
often i've had arguments that ended with tears
its so hard to exchange an opinion without getting jeers
people are too quick to ready their spears
or maybe most of us just have our heads up our rears
could common opinions help us connect with our peers?
is that why at opposition we aim our bandoliers?
so we can keep clean our own social spheres
from anything that might mess with our belief's gears
I fear to express myself, what if the wrong tribe hears?
and decide they don't like this noise and interfere
January 24, 2015

not all that happy with this one but i posted it since i stayed up all night looking for an ending

Edited September 10, 2016
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