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Moonlight and roses
wine intoxicates
lovers hug in quietness
every heart celebrates

for tomorrow
will come like a robber
this night will lose its wonder
still I'll choose to be wooer !
You entered my kitchen,
a magnificent, radiant light.
I wanted to say magical words,
but I couldn’t dare.
I loved you,
You said nothing,
but made me feel
that you understood my pain.
this particular rain rode out

all obviousness to its absence--

then fell as what is left of a life.

making it impossible for any

stock to be taken--because of

its perfect consideration.

as if a reinforced hug to aversion.

one was reminded that there is an

outside with no reprieve, & that

one can be in two places at once.

when you're made to sit with It,

you don't know how you got there.
albification comes

over ether.

when strangers

walk by--

holding their peace

like failed seekers.
*Albification is the alchemical process of turning something white.
Another lunatic trip to
the hospital.
Nine days, this
go around.
For the first two
days, I just pulled
the covers over my
head and pretended I
was back in the womb.
It was warm and safe.
As much as I
wanted to stay,
I knew it was time to
be reborn into this
strange world of
sick streets, and
broken dreams.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry to promote my book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on Amazom.
When anger and hatred
flow through your veins,
let love reign.
On gentle Spring nights when
memories haunt you like
the lost dead,
let love reign.
When stress and confusion
overwhelm you and the
future seems as
uncertain as a roll
of the dice,
let love reign.

When you think God is
a grand prankster and
it feels like an
eternal winter in
your heart,
let love reign.
When the pictures remind
you of times long gone,
and the mirror is
a hard place to live,
let love reign.

If you get lost,
like I do in a
poem or a song,
let love reign.
In my dreams, I will
see you, and kiss you,
and hold you forever,
and there will be no
only good mornings,
if we let love reign.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
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